Radio Una Voce Vicina

by Xdevel

Music & Audio


RADIO A VOCE VICINA was founded in 1977 in Carlentini, thanks to the far-sighted intuition of the parish priest Mgr. Giovanni Maria Sortino. On August 16, 1990, he was incorporated into an association, registered at the Court of Syracuse on April 26, 1977; has been registered in the Register of Communication Operators n. 8364 on August 29, 2001; it has been granted the exercise of the local radio broadcasting and of community character, with the definitive Decree of the Ministry of Posts and Communications on 4 March 1994 and this Decree was registered at the Court of Auditors on 7 September 1994. It transmits uninterruptedly from the October 1978. Today it is the only radio broadcaster of the triangle Carlentini, Lentini and Francofonte, in a few months with a television window. The radio station Una Voce Vicina boasts a large following also on social networks with more than 300,000 views between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on the website